Mastering Moderate IV Sedation Course, held twice yearly in Vancouver, BCA competency based training course for dentists in safe IV sedation delivery

Join our next course starting May 3, 2025

12 Interest Free Monthly Tuition Payments

  • Tuition: $25,500.00 + GST
  • Minimum 90 hours CE
  • 6 day didactic block held in Vancouver
  • One 3 day clinical module on dates organized with each student

Why choose Dental Ed for your IV sedation training?

  1. Dental Ed is a company that focuses on only one thing- dental sedation training
  2. We provide you with :
    • Your sedation training certification
    • Your ACLS Certification
    • If needed, the patients and facility for your clinical rotation 
    • The required certification for your office dental assistants
    • Complete practice setup of equipment , supplies, and even all of the anaesthesia charting paperwork
    • Guidance through the process of your college sedation practice initial self assessment application
  3. We have graduated over four hundred and fifty dentists to date
  4. We have been offering sedation courses for over a decade in Canada
  5. We teach current best practices in medical/dental anaesthesiology for the undertaking of office based parenteral sedation.
  6. Our faculty consists of dental anaesthesiologists, OMFS, dentists, critical care RNs, and paramedics with diverse anaesthesia backgrounds and decades of experience.
This is not the type of training course you want just anyone teaching. You want the best. You want instructors with true expertise. You want Dental Ed. We are everything sedation.

Dr. Steven Schadinger, Revelstoke BC

``This is absolutely the course I was seeking. I was growing frustrated with the unpredictability of oral sedation and I knew IV sedation was the way forward but had no idea where to start. Michael and the DentalEd instructors have assembled a comprehensive and immersive continuing education experience that is customized to setting up a moderate sedation service in our practice. Not only is Michael a gifted educator, he also inspired a lot of confidence and motivation to bring safe, predictable, and comfortable moderate sedation to our office. I cannot recommend DentalEd highly enough- it is a game changer!``

Dr. Michael Danielak, Mississauga Ont

``This course is set up to provide extremely comprehensive instruction of IV moderate sedation with safe best practices at the forefront. The focus on patient monitoring and management of medical emergencies gives doctors the confidence to safely provide sedation services for their patients. Mr. Dare and the other speakers are engaging and share a wealth of information from their experiences to convey the didactic material from a very practical perspective. I highly recommend the course.``

Dr. Tyler Duffy, Vancouver BC

``This has been by far the best educational experience I've had in the 20 years of practice. Look forward to working with you in a couple years on my level 2 certification.``

Dr. Sam Shin, Vancouver BC

I attended the moderate sedation IV course in Toronto. Michael, the program organizer, delivered the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake safe IV sedation. He is so passionate and has been committing himself to this field to guide the dental professions in the right way. I highly recommend this course.

Thank you, Dental Ed!

Dr. Travis Ryan, Halifax Nova Scotia

`` This course is incredibly well organized and presented in addition to being very enjoyable. The instructors are very charismatic, knowledgeable, and approachable- I feel well prepared and assured in my ability to perform safe and effective sedation after this course.``

Dr. Mehr Poulad, Vancouver BC

``I took the moderate sedation course through Dental Ed and I was thoroughly impressed. The course is well structured and taught. The pre-reading course material is extensive but manageable. There are both traditional lectures and hands on components. The main instructors are both passionate and knowledgeable. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience and feel confident providing moderate parenteral sedation in my clinical practice. I would recommend this course to anyone considering providing moderate sedation in their practice.``

Dr. Spencer Belot, Kamloops BC

``Extremely well structured course! Material was manageable and presented in an engaging manner. Long days, but I feel comfortable going into my clinical. Skills and material focused on real world scenarios and experiences that helped to ingrain the information and make it based more on common sense.``

Dr. Jaspal Lisa Rai, Vancouver BC

``Your course is great, the mock scenarios helps put it together in a way that is exactly what we need. No other dental course dealing with emergencies has done this in my 20 yr career!``

Course Overview

We hold courses in Vancouver twice yearly and we have set our 2025 course dates: Our spring course runs May 3-8, 2025. Our fall/winter course runs November 8-13, 2025.


These are a limited seat courses so consider registering early.


Note: This course has been accepted by the RCDSO and  BCCOHP, along with most other dental colleges across Canada including CDSS, MDA, and the PDBNS

Get ready to transform your whole outlook on dentistry. Change the way you and your team handle your most challenging patients. Difficult surgeries, long surgeries, phobic patients, patients with special needs – they can all now be given a comfortable dental experience with a precision level of sedation titrated to their specific response.

No longer have the hit/miss issue of giving oral sedation to your patients then seeing them leave less than impressed with the level of sedation achieved. IV sedation is safer than oral sedation because you can titrate the dosage in real time until you reach the exact level of sedation you are aiming for. Shorter inductions and quicker recoveries mean increased practice efficiency.

Worried about IV sedation being dangerous? This concern stops some dentists from taking a parenteral sedation course. The fact is it is extremely easy to safely sedate patients intravenously in a dental practice. The faculty of Dental Ed have cumulatively sedated over 45,000 patients without a single patient being harmed. How? Simple with:

  1. good training
  2. proper patient screening
  3. best practice patient monitoring
  4. following easy and well-established rules for safe anaesthesia


This course is taught to the same standards that guide the delivery of sedation by medical anaesthesiologists in Canada. We exceed the requirements of all Canadian dental colleges including using end-tidal-CO2 (ETCO2) monitoring within our moderate parenteral sedation training program. ETCO2 monitoring is the golden standard for monitoring patient respirations during sedation delivery.

Join our multidisciplinary faculty for the best moderate sedation training program available anywhere. We can give you the knowledge and skills to provide all forms of minimal and moderate sedation confidently and safely to your patients. Providing IV sedation will elevate your dental practice in a highly competitive market.

Both high fidelity and low fidelity simulations are part of the program. Certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) is included as part of the course.  ACLS is made easy by our team, and we guarantee success in this part of the program.

Our training in the skill of starting IVs is a point of pride. You will be taught by faculty with extensive IV experience and we guarantee that you will master the “IV start”. Countless dentists to date have done just that. We will even teach you how to start the most difficult IVs using ultrasound guided vascular access techniques.

Come join us in Vancouver and complete your moderate IV sedation certification.

We have complete sedation and equipment packages that meet your dental college requirements, and they get you ready to sedate your first 50 patients.

The Didactic Course Lectures and Skills Training Occur Over Six Days. We offer two yearly courses

  1. Spring 2025 Course: May 3-8, 2025
  2. Fall/Winter 2025 Course: November 8-13, 2025

Clinical: Three days where you are required to sedate a minimum of 20 patients

Two choices for completing the clinical part of the course

  1. Clinical held at your own practice on custom organized dates. This is done with one faculty member visiting your facility mentoring you over the three days. This one to one ratio is not offered in any other Canadian course
  2. Clinical held in a group setting with Dental Ed providing volunteer patients.  2:1 student to instructor ratio
  1. The participant must hold a DDS/DMD degree and must be licensed to practice dentistry in their given province or state
  2. A letter of good standing from your governing body must be provided. (Not applicable for Ontario dentists)
  3. Current BLS CPR certification.
  4. Proof of malpractice insurance coverage must be shown for 5 million liability before entering your clinical rotation
  5. Prior to undertaking the clinical rotation for the sedation of 20-24 patients at your office, the practice must have all the sedation equipment, supplies and permits in place to meet the sedation standards as set out by your college or dental board. Dental Ed sells complete packages that include everything needed to achieve this.
  6. The student must provide all of the staff required that make up the sedation team as required by their governing body. If needed Dental Ed can assist in providing sedation trained assistants.
The program consists of 54 hours of didactic classroom training and the direct participation in a three-day clinical rotation.  
Minimum 81 educational hours

Vancouver Course

  • Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel​​​​
  • Partner Dental Practices


$25,500.00 + tax

(We now offer 12 interest free payments)

That means just $2,231.25/monthly

CDA’s, Hygienists, and RN’s

$3,000. Staff are encouraged to attend the didactic portion of the program. This tuition includes completing the Canadian Dental Anaesthesia Assistant Course (CDAAC) online course. Staff fees are due before the course start date.

Each dentist is responsible to provide properly trained staff for their office sedation team as per the regulations for their college/dental board when they undertake their clinical.

Please read completely the policies section of this website to see the specific refund policies relating to this course before registering.

​To register call us at 778-984-0915 or email After making your initial payment, download our registration form and submit it to

By registering for this CE course, you give your consent to the secure storage of your personal information outside of Canada in accordance with the privacy policy of Dental-Ed as outlined in our policies section.


Register for The Moderate IV Sedation Course

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The classroom component occurs over a total of six days with the goal of minimizing interruptions to your work schedule. The clinical hands on component takes place over three days.

If done correctly IV moderate sedation is very safe to undertake at a dental practice and well within the means of any dentist to perform. IV sedation is safer than oral sedation. The MODSED course has an emphasis on safety throughout all aspects of the learning process. We will give you the knowledge, skills, and monitoring tools to keep your patients safe while enhancing their dental experience.

Worry not. We have faculty with decades of experience starting peripheral IVs, people who know all the tricks, people who know how to teach the skill. We will even let you start IVs on us…really. Our record of accomplishment is 100% success for all participants

Several of our faculty have large IV sedation practices and the consensus is that it takes less than six months to recoup your investment and the payoff overall is enormous. Even more important- you will really start to look at your profession in a whole new light as you now have all the tools to manage the anxieties and fears of your patients.

We have put together a complete IV sedation package of equipment, supplies, and office paperwork that will launch your sedation practice and give you everything needed to sedate your first fifty patients. The cost starts at about $12000.00 for BC, depending on what options are chosen. That is an “all in price” to meet the guidelines for your jurisdiction. This does not include midazolam.

It depends on your college’s standards and guidelines. For British Columbia, the requirements are that there be one assistant with either the Canadian Dental Anaesthesia Assistant Course (CDAAC) or the American DAANCE program be present and that a second person with basic life support (BLS) CPR be immediately available when delivering moderate sedation. We recommend that two CDAAC trained assistants be present for any sedation case for improved safety. We require you have at least one assistant with CDAAC certification during a student’s clinical rotation.

In Ontario, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan the sedation assisting role is not carried out by chairside assistants but instead by RNs, RTs, NPs, or physicians.

To date we have graduates from most provinces in Canada. Talk to the program coordinator Michael Dare at 1.778.984.0915 to see if the course meets your jurisdictions guidelines and to discuss what changes we might need to make for your governing college to customize your course.​ It is each student’s responsibility to ensure the course is appropriate for their jurisdiction.


Dental Ed specializes in providing customized IV sedation courses for small groups delivered at your location on dates of your choosing. This is perfect for a practice who wants a course for three or more of their dentists along with the staff who will be assisting in sedation. Call us and we can discuss this option.