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I-Gel Supraglottic Airways, Sizes 3.0-5.0, Each


The i-gel® is the innovative second generation supraglottic airway device from Intersurgical. The first major development since the laryngeal mask airway, i-gel has changed the face of airway management and is now widely used in anaesthesia and resuscitation across the globe.

  • i-gel, supraglottic airway, size 5, large adult, 90+kg
  • i-gel, supraglottic airway, size 4, medium adult, 50-90kg
  • ​i-gel, supraglottic airway, size 3, small adult, 30-60kg

Airways Sizes



The I-gel® is the innovative second-generation supraglottic airway device from Intersurgical. The first major development since the laryngeal mask airway, i-gel has changed the face of airway management and is now widely used in anesthesia and resuscitation across the globe.

  • i-gel, supraglottic airway, size 5, large adult, 90+kg
  • i-gel, supraglottic airway, size 4, medium adult, 50-90kg
  • ​i-gel, supraglottic airway, size 3, small adult, 30-60kg

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 33 × 28 × 5 cm
Airways Sizes

3.0, 4.0, 5.0